Without a common culture, our sole unifying factor is the American Creed, something not strong enough to maintain a national identity. Our Anglo-Protestant culture is being fractured by the proliferation of the Spanish language and Latino culture, and by cosmopolitan elites who subordinate their American identity to a global variation. As we are now a multiethnic and multicultural society, our two remaining pillars of unity are our Anglo-Protestant culture and our ideology (or creed). America historically has defined itself through race, ethnicity, ideology, and culture. Samuel Huntington, in Who Are We?, offers the following argument. This review is about Huntington’s latest book on American identity and immigration. Some previous formal book reviews have been on national security, the CIA and Afghanistan, the prodigious mind of David Foster Wallace, 21st century college life according to Tom Wolfe, the 4 Hour Workweek, and Urban Tribes: Are Friends the New Family?. From time to time I write longer book reviews on books I find particularly interesting.